Adam Nanney

Adam Nanney

Adam has more than 12 years of experience in geological engineering, working primarily on environmental assessment and remediation projects. At Barr, he provides permitting assistance, design, construction oversight, and project management for the expansion of Subtitle C landfills and Superfund remediation sites. Adam assists with permitting, stormwater pollution prevention planning, and construction oversight for wastewater pipelines. He also conducts hydrology studies to design outlet structures for tailings dam raises and modifications, and provides construction assistance at crude-oil pipeline releases. In addition, Adam conducts Resource Conservation and Recovery Act characterization sampling at lead mine sites and pipeline terminal facilities.


Senior Geological Engineer


Professional Engineer (MO)


BS, Geological Engineering, University of Missouri - Rolla


Barr Engineering Co.
1001 Diamond Ridge
Suite 1100
Jefferson City, MO 65109
Phone: +1 573-638-5016