Water management

Water management includes a broad range of engineering and environmental services involving water storage, treatment, and distribution, as well as protection and restoration of wetlands, watersheds, lakes, and streams.

We are fascinated by water and the many ways it flows through our lives. Depending on the setting, water can be life-sustaining or life-threatening, aesthetically beautiful or powerfully destructive, dependable or wildly out of control. Bringing these variables into balance has been a cornerstone of Barr’s business for decades, and many of our scientists and engineers have devoted their careers to unlocking better ways to direct, extract, contain, and preserve Earth’s most essential natural resource. For whatever way you or your organization needs and uses water, Barr is ready to address it at the surface, underground, or as stormwater. 

We can help you monitor and improve water quality, understand local water availability, and treat, store, and distribute water to your communities and facilities. Stewardship and resiliency demand a proactive approach. We’ll work with you to prepare for unpredictable events by delineating floodplains, conducting hydrologic and hydraulic modeling, and designing flood-control structures. Our mission is to protect natural resources now and in the future through watershed management planning and stormwater management design, as well as restoration of rivers, streams, lakes, and wetlands.

Managing, restoring, and improving your water resources

Managing, restoring, and improving your water resources

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