David Koltz

David Koltz

David offers clients expertise and perspectives gained from 30 years of experience in the public and private sectors. He regularly manages CWA-related environmental regulatory permitting and compliance projects for clients in the mining, fuels, manufacturing, and public sectors. His project experience includes NPDES permitting—both general and individual permits; TMDL allocation; SWPPP and SPCC plan development and implementation; CWA 16(b) non-contact cooling water intake structure permitting; water appropriation permitting; and 401 certification.

David's background also encompasses project management, scheduling, planning, and design; construction oversight; regulatory program development; stakeholder engagement; and environmental, social, and governance materiality assessment and reporting.


Senior Environmental Engineer


Professional Engineer (UT)


BS, Civil Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee


Barr Engineering Co.
325 South Lake Avenue
Suite 700
Duluth, MN 55802
Phone: +1 218-529-7111