Farzaan Abbasy

Farzaan Abbasy

Farzaan’s work focuses on geotechnical investigation, mine backfill systems, tailings studies, rock mechanics, and underground spaces as well as geothermal energy application in mining. His areas of expertise include the thermo-physical properties of geomaterials, geomechanical laboratory testing, slope stability, and underground mining. At Barr, Farzaan provides geotechnical investigation, testing, and analysis primarily for wind projects; tailings facility investigation, design, construction, and instrumentation services; dyke and tailings pile inspection; and rock and soil slope stability assessment including stabilization measures analysis and numerical modeling. He has also published a number of papers on topics related to mine backfill.



Senior Geotechnical Engineer


Professional Engineer (AB, ON)


PhD, Geotechnical Engineering, McGill University


Barr Engineering and Environmental Science Canada Ltd
1000 7th Avenue SW
Suite 450
Calgary, AB T2P 5L5
Phone: +1 403-592-8314

Related projects

Geotechnical deformation and failure modeling of fine tailings capping
Tailings facility dam safety review