James Lind

James Lind

Jim Lind has 15 years of experience utilizing geographic information systems, and a background in cartography, database management systems, mobile/web-based GIS, data conversions, and analysis. At Barr, he assists in the administration of Barr’s ArcGIS Online organization and has deployed hundreds of web- and mobile-based mapping applications for accessing, sharing, and collecting GIS data in the field. Jim also designs augmented reality, tablet-based GIS field data collection, and survey systems for site-specific projects. He maintains both large- and small-scale enterprise databases for use in developing map products, automated report deliverables, and map-based photo atlases. Jim’s project work includes a variety of mapping, analysis, visualization, and reporting related to mining, wellhead protection plans, recreational trail design, transmission line, stormwater, and many other industries.


MS Geographic Information Science
Senior GIS Specialist


MS, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities

BA, Geography, University of Minnesota-Duluth

AAS, Itasca Community College


Barr Engineering Co.
3128 14th Avenue East
Hibbing, MN 55746
Phone: +1 218-262-8616