Joe has over 20 years of experience in civil and water resources engineering. A certified floodplain manager, he specializes in the design and analysis of flood-risk reduction measures and detailed hydraulic and hydrologic modeling for floodplain, mine water, and stormwater management projects. His experience also includes scour analysis, dam-breach analysis, and watershed BMP studies. Joe develops and updates HEC-RAS models, performs water-balance modeling and hydrologic and hydraulic oversight, and assists with permit and letter of map revision (LOMR) projects. He also develops GIS-based flood-mitigation planning tools and prepares plans for stream restoration, levee improvements, and stormwater management systems.
Vice President
Senior Water Resources Engineer
Certified Floodplain Manager
Professional Engineer (IA, MI, MN, ND, OR, UT, WI)
MA, Education, University of Notre Dame
BS, Civil Engineering, University of Portland
Barr Engineering Co.
4300 MarketPointe Drive
Suite 200
Minneapolis, MN 55435
Phone: +1 952-832-2984