Michael Ellis

Michael Ellis

Mike has ten years of experience working on complex remediation projects. His work focuses on evaluating, designing, and implementing remedial actions, including conducting feasibility studies, developing remedial action work plans, managing implementation, and assessing comprehensive site remediation strategies. Mike’s notable projects include large-scale PFAS water treatment, multi-million dollar sediment remediation projects at former MGPs involving hydraulic and mechanical dredging and capping, geomembrane liner installation, evaluation of remedial options for CCR landfills, and industrial storm channel lining. Additionally, he serves on the Interstate Technology Regulatory Council (ITRC) Microplastics Team and coordinates Barr's sediments practice group.


Senior Environmental Engineer


Professional Engineer (IL, MI)


MS, Michigan State University

BS, Michigan State University


Barr Engineering Co.
3005 Boardwalk Drive
Suite 100
Ann Arbor, MI 48108
Phone: +1 734-922-4428


Fact sheet
Microplastics: What are they and what can be done about them?
By: Sara BinAhmed-Menzies and Mike Ellis