Tom Kuchinski

Tom Kuchinski

Tom Kuchinski has 30 years of experience in air-quality and environmental testing. He serves as manager of the stack-testing support-services group for Barr’s Minneapolis and Hibbing testing operations as well as test team leader for source emissions testing of pollutants using U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, American Society for Testing and Materials, and National Council for Air and Stream Improvement test methodologies. Tom manages and leads projects for a variety of client facilities including taconite, ethanol, agricultural, industrial, and manufacturing facilities as well as refineries. He prepares and reviews test plans and reports for submittal to regulatory agencies; prepares cost estimates and proposals; and coordinates schedules, staffing, and subcontract laboratories.


Vice President


AAS, Vermilion Community College


Barr Engineering Co.
4300 MarketPointe Drive
Suite 200
Minneapolis, MN 55435
Phone: +1 952-832-2727