Tom MacDonald

Tom MacDonald

Tom has over 30 years of experience with hydrology and hydraulics, stream restoration, and surface-water availability and permitting for watershed districts, municipalities, local and state governments, and the power and mining industries. His work focuses on dam removal and modification; stream classification, monitoring, and restoration; fish-passage improvement projects; river hydraulics and sedimentation; slope stabilization; surface-water availability and permitting; and mine-tailings management. Tom has formal training in natural channel design and Rosgen classification and restoration methods.


Vice President
Senior Water Resources Engineer


Professional Engineer (AB, IA, MI, MN, WI)


MS, Civil Engineering, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities

BS, Civil Engineering, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities


Barr Engineering Co.
325 South Lake Avenue
Suite 700
Duluth, MN 55802
Phone: +1 218-529-7159