
Explore the trends, innovations, and challenges impacting built and natural environments

Coordinating earthwork projects
Creative solutions result in time and cost savings for clients
Creative solutions result in time and cost savings for clients
University lighting master plan
University flips the switch to “dark-sky-friendly" lighting plan
University flips the switch to “dark-sky-friendly" lighting plan
Great Lakes sediment remediation
EPA program connects partners for contaminated sediment remediation
EPA program connects partners for contaminated sediment remediation
MSHA’s proposed silica standards
MSHA proposes new silica-exposure standards
MSHA proposes new silica-exposure standards

Several methods are available—and all can come with challenges

The evolution of PFAS analytical methods over the last decade
The evolution of PFAS analytical methods over the last decade

Emily Rose shares her passion for the mining industry

Mining the Intermountain West: From operations to consulting
Mining the Intermountain West: From operations to consulting

Why organizations are choosing renewable natural gas as a sustainable fuel source

Six reasons to add RNG to your energy portfolio
Six reasons to add RNG to your energy portfolio

Navigating proposed air quality rules for electric power generating facilities

Balancing power generation with air quality compliance
Balancing power generation with air quality compliance
Barr's wind turbine foundation experts share insights in Wind Systems Magazine
Wind turbine foundations now and in the future
Wind turbine foundations now and in the future

Digging into the National Environmental Policy Act

Summarizing recent changes to NEPA
Summarizing recent changes to NEPA

Get to know Becca May, one of Barr's environmental focus interns

Making the most of every opportunity
Making the most of every opportunity

Meet Macy Hannan, one of Barr’s environmental focus interns

Gaining real-world experience through Barr’s internship program
Gaining real-world experience through Barr’s internship program

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