Jere Mohr

Jere Mohr

Jeré has over 20 years of experience applying quantitative analysis of groundwater flow and solute transport to a variety of projects for industrial clients. His work focuses on design and management of subsurface investigations to characterize geology and hydrogeology and development of numerical groundwater-flow and solute-transport models. He is experienced with analysis and interpretation of complex water resources datasets, and with communicating technical information to regulatory agencies and other stakeholders.


Vice President
Senior Hydrogeologist


Professional Geologist (MN)


MS, University of Minnesota-Duluth

BS, Geology, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities

BS, Geological Engineering, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities


Barr Engineering Co.
325 South Lake Avenue
Suite 700
Duluth, MN 55802
Phone: +1 218-529-8210