Mary has 30 years of experience as an environmental consultant. Her background encompasses brownfield investigation and remediation; all phases of environmental due diligence; multimedia compliance audits; and cost engineering for environmental liability assessment. She has managed the investigation of numerous sites containing hazardous substances, petroleum, and agricultural chemicals in soil, groundwater, and soil gas and has directed remediation activities that have included soil-vapor and dual-phase extraction, air sparging, excavation, land farming, and capping. A number of these sites were enrolled in the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency’s Voluntary Investigation and Cleanup, Petroleum Brownfields, and the Minnesota Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural Voluntary Investigation and Cleanup programs.
Vice President
Senior Chemical Engineer
MBA, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities
BS, Chemical Engineering, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities
Barr Engineering Co.
4300 MarketPointe Drive
Suite 200
Minneapolis, MN 55435
Phone: +1 952-832-2718