The engineers and scientists at Barr know and love the public sector; we’ve been helping our clients improve communities for decades. That’s why we understand that your development plans require both comprehensive knowledge and thoughtful coordination with developers, engineers, planners, and municipal staff. Each year, we lend our expertise to reviewing hundreds of development plans. Our focus: evaluating all aspects critical to successful, resilient development, from preserving natural resources to protecting residents from flooding. Depending on the development need, you can count on us to assess drainage, erosion, water quality and supply, fish and wildlife, air quality, aesthetics, and historic landmarks, as well as compliance with zoning ordinances. Worried about compliance with watershed, state, and federal rules and regulations? We’ll walk you through the environmental issues at hand.
With our experienced engineers, scientists, and environmental specialists behind you, you’ll successfully navigate onsite waste and contamination issues, including brownfields, and identify ways to protect forests, meadows, wetlands, and other natural resources. We’ll help you optimize both efficiency and impact with solutions that bring your organization’s vision to reality.