Sarah Johnson

Sarah Johnson

Multiple bios

Enviro, project management, permitting; April 2024; AAW3

Sarah has 16 years of experience assisting clients with environmental impact assessment, permitting, and compliance; stakeholder outreach and coordination; and construction compliance oversight. She regularly manages multidiscipline teams in the renewable-energy and power-delivery sectors, keeping projects on task and on schedule.

Sarah’s recent work in Minnesota includes managing: the EIS efforts for the Minnesota Energy Connection Project; utility-scale-solar site permit applications; and an EAW for a proposed 49 MW solar facility. She also managed the route permit for the MPL-Laporte transmission line and substation in 2017 and managed supporting technical services (including antidegradation analysis, air permitting, and water-appropriations technical analysis) for the Enbridge Line 3 replacement project.


Date unknown

Sarah manages multidisciplinary teams in the renewable energy, power, fuels, and mining sectors across the Upper Midwest and Intermountain West. She specializes in environmental review impact assessments; permitting and consultation at the local, state, federal and tribal levels; and construction compliance oversight. Sarah works with clients and teams to identify permitting strategies, design projects that minimize impacts, and navigate regulatory processes.



Senior Environmental Consultant


BA, Austin College


Barr Engineering Co.
325 South Lake Avenue
Suite 700
Duluth, MN 55802
Phone: +1 218-529-7119


Fact sheet
Renewable energy on brownfields, industrial properties, and mining sites
By: Sarah Johnson and Nicole Nguyen

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