Omid has more than 25 years of experience in hydraulic structure design and analysis, open-channel hydraulic engineering, hydrologic modeling of watersheds, hydrodynamic modeling of rivers and lakes, and underground stormwater BMPs. He conducts physical model studies of intakes, spillways, and stilling basins as well as modeling and analysis of erosion and scour processes in river systems. Omid served as associate director of applied research at the University of Minnesota’s St. Anthony Falls Laboratory, a leading interdisciplinary fluids research and educational facility, for more than five years. An adjunct associate professor at the University of Minnesota’s Department of Civil Engineering, he has taught hydrology, open-channel flow, hydraulic structures, and fluid mechanics since 1999. Refereed journals have published 22 of his articles on hydrology, stream and runoff temperature, climate-change effects, dissolved-oxygen dynamics in lakes, and stormwater BMPs.
Vice President
Senior Water Resources Engineer
Professional Engineer (MN)
MS, Civil Engineering, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities
BS, Civil Engineering, University of Science and Technology - Iran
Barr Engineering Co.
4300 MarketPointe Drive
Suite 200
Minneapolis, MN 55435
Phone: +1 952-832-2665