Spillway design for iron-ore-mining and mineral-processing facility

About this project

$200,000 (Barr's fees)
Completion date

For more than three decades, Barr has been helping a Minnesota iron mining company with design and maintenance of its tailings basins and dams. The client wanted to replace a rock weir in its tailings basin that was difficult to raise, required constant maintenance, and exhibited a high risk of failure. Barr designed a reinforced-concrete spillway featuring a series of concrete steps to dissipate the energy during transfer from one tailings cell to the next at lower elevation. Designed to be raised more than 50 feet during operations by increasing the height of the abutment walls and concrete steps, the spillway can accommodate additional tailings storage for the planned life of the mine.

Key team members

Omid Mohseni
Vice President
Senior Water Resources Engineer
Ivan Contreras
Vice President
Senior Geotechnical Engineer
Rich Ver Strate
Vice President
Senior Civil Engineer
Client indicated satisfaction with the performance of the spillway and requested the evaluation of a similar structure at different location within the facility.

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