Environmental assessment for solar development

About this project

Minnesota Department of Commerce
$545 million total project cost
Completion date

Swift preparation of EA helps keep project on tight schedule

On behalf of the Minnesota Department of Commerce’s Energy Environmental Review and Analysis (EERA) unit, Barr compiled a first draft of the environmental assessment (EA) for the Iron Pine Solar Project in Pine County, Minnesota. The project would develop a 325-mw solar energy generating system with a one-mile 230-kv high-voltage gen-tie line.

Barr’s initial work included reviewing the applicant’s application, the project’s public record and comments received, and the project’s scoping decision. Barr then prepared an EA template and style guide (defining key project terminology) for EERA’s review. Barr’s team of environmental specialists then worked swiftly to help EERA compile the complete the EA and associated maps. 

At the conclusion of the EA, Barr assisted in reviewing the project against the specific criteria the commission would be required to weigh in their permit decisions for the site permit (solar facility) and route permit (gen-tie line).

Barr’s assistance and ability to draft the EA for EERA within eight weeks helped keep the project on schedule. The commission is anticipated to make their permit decisions in June 2025. 

Key team members

Sarah Johnson
Senior Environmental Consultant

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