Environmental permitting and compliance support at terminals

About this project

Superior Refining Company
Minnesota and Wisconsin
$7,500 (per terminal)
Completion date

Since 2011, Barr has been providing comprehensive environmental assistance at five terminals associated with the Superior refinery. The terminals, located in Minnesota and Wisconsin, are currently operated by Superior Refining Company (which is owned by Husky Energy). As part of helping the on-site terminal staff understand regulatory and permit requirements and maintain environmental compliance, Barr developed and continues to maintain compliance action plans for the terminals. The plans cover compliance issues related to air, water, waste, aboveground storage tanks, oil-pollution prevention, site remediation, clean fuels, and EPCRA. Each plan:

  • serves as a reference document for environmental regulatory compliance for terminal operations and maintenance staff

  • defines roles and responsibilities

  • serves as a training tool for new employees and as a refresher for others

  • documents applicability decisions, regulatory review, and compliance methods related to environmental requirements

  • identifies required tasks by frequency (episodic and condition-triggered) of performance

  • identifies the location of records

As part of our ongoing environmental compliance support for these terminals, we review and update the compliance action plans as needed. We also discuss the plans with terminal staff during annual environmental training sessions.

Key team members

Aisha Balogh
Senior Environmental Scientist
Jennifer Fleming
Senior Environmental Engineer
Beth Sobczak
Senior Environmental Compliance Specialist

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