Hennepin County sustainable landscape guidelines

About this project

Hennepin County
Completion date

In response to failing, unattractive landscaping at many of its facilities, Hennepin County wanted to learn about the types of plants that would thrive at county sites—many of which receive minimal maintenance—and which plants to avoid. Barr facilitated a series of workshops for three county departments to understand the landscaping problems better and to discuss sustainable solutions.

Using feedback from the meetings, we developed sustainable landscape guidelines for efficient, hardy, and attractive landscapes. The guidelines address site and plant selection, soils, water, health and well-being, materials selection, landscape implementation and maintenance, and education.

Barr also generated a series of plant lists to guide landscaping at Hennepin County facilities, including:

  • preferred plants that thrive in tough conditions with little maintenance

  • plants that are fairly resilient but require more maintenance

  • trees and shrubs that flourish in harsh environments with minimal maintenance

  • weedy, aggressive plants to avoid

The guidelines and plant lists help Hennepin County navigate new landscape projects and prioritize landscape management, resulting in more durable, robust landscapes.

Key team members

Fred Rozumalski
Landscape Architect and Ecologist
Brendan Dougherty
Senior Landscape Architect

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