Environmental planning and permitting for solar-generation and battery-storage project

About this project

D.E. Shaw Renewable Investments
New Mexico
$1.7 million
completion date

In 2024, D.E. Shaw hired Barr to provide environmental planning and permitting services for the proposed Foxtail Flats project, which will comprise a 270 MW solar farm and a 180 MW battery storage facility on tribal land. Barr conducted natural resources investigations, produced resource baseline reports, and drafted the project’s plan of development and environmental assessment (EA) in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act. The EA was tiered to the Bureau of Land Management’s western-states-focused “Solar Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement for Utility-Scale Solar Energy Development.” Field studies in the 4,912-acre project area included aquatic resources evaluations and surveys for birds, wildlife, sensitive and invasive species, and cultural resources. To assist with EA development, Barr prepared a Phase I environ-mental-site-assessment report and a biological assessment. We also created a permit matrix, conducted mitigation planning and public outreach, and performed mapping and spatial analysis. In addition, we developed plans for decommissioning, reclamation, and weed management, as well as an application package for a categorical exclusion to facilitate an early geotechnical investigation. Our scientists coordinated with the New Mexico State Lands Office, a local tribe, and the Bureau of Indian Affairs on behalf of the client and oversaw preparation of the project’s socioeconomic report. The final NEPA analysis, which assesses solar development on a tribal land lease, is slated to be submitted to the BIA in November 2024.

Key team members

Laurie Beth Nederveld

Senior Ecologist
Office Business Unit Representative

Michael Fitzgerald

Senior NEPA Consultant

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