Natural resources inventory and stewardship recommendations

About this project

Washington County Parks Division
$30,000 (Barr's fees)

Although natural areas cover a significant portion of Denmark Township’s 27 square miles, past land-management practices have adversely affected wildlife habitat, woodland quality, and soil stability. Washington County Parks’ goal was to help direct future residential development and protect the St. Croix River’s watershed by conducting a natural resources inventory.

Barr’s ecologists completed plant community surveys and employed the Minnesota Land Classification system to assess the status of the area’s natural resources and develop a detailed inventory (including maps of resource quality rankings, invasive species distribution, wildlife habitat, and priority restoration areas), along with stewardship recommendations and strategies to protect, preserve, and restore the natural landscape of the township.

Key team members

Fred Rozumalski
Landscape Architect and Ecologist
Brent Lindstrom
Senior GIS Administrator