Siting and permitting for saltwater disposal wells

About this project

Bosque Systems, LLC
North Dakota
$48,000 (Barr's fees)
Completion date

Barr helped Bosque Systems obtain permits for two saltwater disposal wells (SWDs) from the North Dakota Industrial Commission (NDIC) Department of Mineral Resources (DMR) Oil and Gas Division. For the first well, we created a map of the proposed SWD showing other wells in the vicinity and then interpreted gamma ray logs for the depth and thickness of the Dakota Sandstone (the geologic formation into which the produced water would be injected) and developed a model of the pressure distribution as a result of well injection at the permitted and proposed rates. Barr then performed a hydrogeological investigation to demonstrate that hydrogeological conditions under the aboveground facility would prevent spills on or near the well pad from contaminating aquifers. Based on the results of the pressure model and the hydrogeological investigation, applications for the proposed well were written and submitted to the NDIC DMR, which were approved.

The second well was proposed to be drilled near two other SWDs, neither of which was owned by Bosque. Therefore, another pressure model was required. Water samples from two springs in the vicinity were analyzed for water quality parameters. Based on the results of the pressure model and water quality results, an application was completed and submitted to the NDIC DMR for another well. The application was approved.

Key team members

Jim Aiken
Vice President
Senior Hydrogeologist

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