Barr has served as engineer to the Valley Branch Watershed District for half a century. In that time, we have helped design new infrastructure systems and manage and restore natural conveyance systems in the district. One of these systems is a six-mile-long flood control system that created an outlet for landlocked lakes, protecting homes and critical infrastructure from flooding and saving millions of dollars over 30 years. The natural conveyance systems include a high-quality trout stream where the district has completed restoration projects to protect important habitat.
In addition to helping implement capital projects, Barr manages the district’s inspection and maintenance program for its infrastructure and natural conveyance systems, including more than 20 unique systems owned or operated by the district. We communicate with district residents, municipal staff members, and the district’s contractors to enable efficient and safe operation of district-owned or -operated systems. We also conduct utility locates for all of the district’s underground infrastructure.