Sustainable site design for watershed district headquarters

About this project

Mississippi Watershed Management Organization
$1.35 million
Completion date


ReScape Award (Environmental Impact)
Minnesota Brownfields  2014

The Mississippi Watershed Management Organization built a new headquarters along the Mississippi River in northeast Minneapolis. Because the property had a long history of industrial and commercial uses, Barr worked with project architects and the client to apply best practices for brownfields remediation and ecological stormwater management to the site design. Roof runoff from the building and a neighboring property is collected, stored, and used to water trees during dry spells. It also flows into a rain garden that treats the water and slowly releases it to the Mississippi River.

An agreement to share parking space with a tavern next door eliminated the need for separate lots, reducing the non-permeable paved surface area. Permeable pavement was also used to reduce runoff.

The building demonstrates that environmentally friendly stormwater management features can be successfully incorporated in brownfields redevelopments. Connected to surrounding trails and green spaces, the facility not only provides views and access to the Mississippi River but also serves as an outdoor classroom for school groups.

Key team members

Fred Rozumalski
Landscape Architect and Ecologist
Marcy Bean
Senior Landscape Architect

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