Air permitting for refinery conversion from petroleum to renewables

About this project

$1.2 billion
Completion date

In 2020, a confidential fuels client was beginning the process of converting their refinery from petroleum to renewable feedstocks. A key objective of the conversion was to significantly reduce the lifecycle generation of greenhouse gas emissions. Barr’s team was asked to step in quickly to provide permitting support based on our long history working with the client on air permitting for the refinery, the urgency of the project, and a lack of progress from another contractor.

Our environmental experts were able to submit the air permit application on time, just two months after getting authorization from the client. Our unique expertise across several areas, including federal air quality rules for both petroleum refineries and chemical plants, local Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD) rules, the facility’s emissions and regulatory requirements, and the proposed permitting process allowed us to quickly evaluate the changes, develop the application, and submit it. The air permit application included over 100 new, modified, or altered pieces of equipment.

Following submittal, Barr staff also supported the client’s negotiation with the BAAQMD for permit terms in addition to the application and negotiation of a significant revision to the facility’s Title V operating permit.

Production of renewable diesel begin in 2023, and Barr continues to provide ongoing support of permit and regulatory compliance efforts, testing, and training.

Key team members

Tony Widboom
Vice President
Environmental Engineer
Phillip Fish
Senior Chemical Engineer
Devin Westerman
Chemical Engineer

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